Men's Golf League | St. Marys Golf and Country Club – St. Marys Golf & Country Club

Men's Golf League


St. Marys Men's Golf League


Golf with the Guys


Join us for the exciting Men's League Night every Wednesday throughout the summer! This public event features a team golf competition that spans the entire season, with scoring based on net handicaps. It's an inclusive opportunity where golfers of all skill levels can make valuable contributions. Tee times are reserved between 3pm and 6pm exclusively for the guys, although you are welcome to play at any time during the day. Prepare for an array of prizes awarded throughout the season, culminating in a thrilling golf event, banquet dinner, and the distribution of well-deserved prizes.

Day of the Week


(May through September)

Men's League Synopsis [2025] Coming Soon!


Public | $135

SMGCC Member | $125

Men's League Standings

Coming Soon!

Register Online

Registration Opens April 8th


*One-time fee only (league fees are no longer collected each week). Note: Fees listed above do not include applicable green fees.



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