Welcome to 'SMGolf Rewards' Loyalty
How Does it Work?
Join the SMGolf Rewards loyalty program by clicking here. Once you've registered, just make a purchase and you will automatically get a minimum 4% back and up to 20% back in rewards points, to make future purchases in the Pro Shop, restaurant and bar!
What Do Points Equal To in Dollars?
$1 Spent = 4 Points Earned // 100 points = $1 Earned
Once you earn 1200 points, you will receive a $12 Coupon (by email) for purchases in the Pro Shop, restaurant and bar!
How Do I Earn Bonus Points?
There will be special promotions, throughout the golf season, where you will have the opportunity to earn 2x, 3x…etc. points on purchases. However you need to be a part of the program to receive notification of the special offers, so click here to join now.
Refer a Friend Bonus
Refer a Friend to participate in the SMGolf Rewards loyalty program and you will earn 50 BONUS points!
How Do I Redeem Points?
As you reach points thresholds, you will automatically receive digital coupons, by email, to be used towards purchases in the Pro Shop, restaurant and bar. Once you reach 1200 points, you will receive a coupon for $12 in SMGolf Rewards dollars.
How Do I Track My Points?
There are a couple of ways to track your points and rewards dollars:
- Online Login | you will be sent an email after you register for the program and every time you make a purchase, with a link to login and view your points balance and rewards earned, or
- On Site | simply ask a SMGCC Golf Operations staff member to provide you your updated points total and next coupon threshold