Christmas Buffet Lunch for Small Business and Family Party – St. Marys Golf & Country Club

Join Us Friday, December 18th for a Christmas Luncheon with Friends, Family or Colleagues

The St. Marys Golf & Country Club is hosting a special Christmas buffet lunch in our upstairs hall on Friday, December 18th, 2015. Sign up your small business, friends and/or family for this exclusive luncheon prepared by Chefs Jason and Joe. The full meal includes: appetizers, salads, dinner, dessert and beverages! There are only 80 spots available, so be sure to book your spot now before it's sold out...

[Note: 2015 Golf Members and their immediate family members receive 10% Off!]

To reserve your spot(s), phone the Pro Shop at 519-284-3704 or email: (note: be sure to include your first & last name, phone #, email address and # of guests in the email)

More info here:


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